Friday, September 19, 2003
West girls, boys win
Cross country
West High's top-ranked girls cross country team took seven of the top 10 places and won the Fort Madison Invitational with
19 points Thursday.
West's boys also won the 44 points.
Freshman Sarah Wickman won the 4-kilometer girls race in 14 minutes, 59 seconds for West. It was Wickman's first varsity
win. Janet Dobyns was second, Julia Frudden was third, Claire Hall took fifth, Kira Spencer was sixth, Jocelyn Figg was ninth
and Analisa Russo took 10th.
Mike Clancy won his first race of the year for Trojans, finishing the 5-kilometer course in 17:01.
Alex Kharbush was fifth and Ian Gannon was seventh.
Team scores
- 1. West High 19; 2. Mount Pleasant 66; 3. Fort Madison 115; 4. Burlington 118; 5. Fairfield
128; 6. Washington 160; 7. Keokuk 188.
WEST HIGH - 1. Sarah Wickman 14:59; 2. Janet Dobyns 15:08; 3. Julia Frudden
15:23; 5. Claire Hall 15:37; 8. Kira Spencer 16:17; 9. Jocelyn Figg 16:21; 10. Analisa Russo 16:36.
Team scores - 1. West High 44; 2. Fairfield 65; 3. Burlington 74; 4. Fort Madison 115; 5. Washington
124; 6. Mount Pleasant 137; 7. Keokuk 205
WEST HIGH - 1. Mike Clancy 17:01; 5. Alex Kharbush 17:38; 7. Ian Gannon
17:42; 14. Nick Peterson 18:18; 17. Keene Kernstein 18:44; 18. Daniel Novak 18:48; 21. Palngji Sunday 18:55.